Note for Pre-meds
Introductory courses in the NSB curriculum counting as pre-med requirements include:
- Introduction to Cellular & Molecular Biology (Lect+Lab; BIOL BC1502-1503)
- Introduction to Organismal/Evolutionary Biology (Lect+Lab; BIOL BC1500-1501)
- Statistics & Experimental Design (NSBV BC2002), or Intro to Statistics ((STAT UN1101), or Statistics (PSYC BC1101)
- General Chemistry (Lect & Lab; CHEM BC2001 & 2012)
- Mechanics (Lect & Lab) (PHYS BC2001 & 2009)
- Electricity & Magnetism (Lect & Lab; PHYS BC2002 & 2019)
The following elective courses can count towards the NSB major requirement if not used to fulfill the NSB Introductory course requirement:
- Organic Chemistry (Lect+Lab; CHEM BC3230) (Note: this course will no longer be an approved elective after Spring '28)
- Biochemistry (Lect+Lab)